
The document is in English and contains important information about the test format, the input and the results. IELTS is not recommended for candidates under the age of 16.
2. CHOOSE a correct MODULE
You can choose from Academic alebo General Training.
3. CHECK for TERMS and exam fees
Each test session has a limited number of places, so if you want to secure a place on a particular day of the exam, register at least two months before the exam date.
The part of the listening, reading and writing test will be held at your chosen exam date. The oral exam may be either on the same day or on the Friday that is closest to the test date.
The part of the listening, reading and writing test will be held at your chosen exam date. The oral exam may be either on the same day or on the Friday that is closest to the test date.
Online registration without applying a discount on the exam fee.
If you request an discount the exam fee - follow the b&c DISCOUNT CONDITIONS.
Make sure that you have provided all the documents listed in point 5 at the time of registration and that you pay the fee according to one of the methods listed in point 7.
5. COMPLETE the necessary documents
After successful online registration, you have five days to complete the below mentioned documents. You can download them directly into the online registration system or email them to
A copy of your ID card or passport. Candidates from EU Schengen countries can register with the country's national ID card. Candidates outside Schengen must provide a copy of a valid passport. Copies can be downloaded directly into the online registration system (manual). If you register with your ID, please copy both of its sides (example). If you do not have a copy at hand, you can skip this step and add it later - or send us a copy of your OP / passport and fill it out for you.
- A copy of your signature if the signature is not part of a copy of your passport or OP.
- Parent / guardian's consent if the candidates are under 18 years of age.
Contact details of up to five institutions you would like to send your results to. These addresses can be added no later than the day before the test results day. If the results do not match your expectations, you can ask us by telephone or by email to cancel the results for these institutions on the day of the results. After the results of the test results, the posting service is already charged (form "Application for the Issue of Additional TRFs" - in english, 12€).
6. CONSENT to leave the building after the test
This is valid for candidates under 18 years of age and it is necessary to send a scanned copy of the written consent of the parents on Form for parents for children younger than 18 years of age, that can leave the building itself after completing the IELTS exam. Otherwise, your registration will not be complete.
a) The test fee is € 204 and must be paid according to the conditions you will receive when registering for the British Council account.
b) If you apply the b&c discounted price, follow the Discount Conditions and you will be sent an invoice from the b&c Test and Registration Centre in Kosice for a bank transfer for the amount of 203 EUR instead of 209 EUR:
Account No.: 2921887477
Bank Code: 1100 (Tatra banka a.s.)
Variable symbol: číslo faktúry
IBAN: SK91 1100 0000 0029 2188 7477
Description: IELTS/Your Name and Surname/Test Date
8. DOPLNENIE dokumentov k registrácii
Natiahnite do online systému alebo zašlite mailom alebo poštou na adresu: British Council, Panská 17, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovensko všetky dokumenty uvedené v bode 5 a to do 5 dní odo dňa Vašej online registrácie. V opačnom prípade, môže byť Vaša registrácia zrušená - neúplné prihlášky žiaľ nemôžu byť pracované.
After completed registration, you will receive an automatic email with your access to a free online course Road to IELTS, as well as details about the exam session. The invitation will be sent by email 7 to 10 days before the exam date. So check your email box regularly.
You may request a change of the exam date at least 5 weeks before the exam date you have registered for, by filling in and writing (by post or email) of the form Request for Refund or Test Date Transfer Form.
You may request a change of the exam date at least 5 weeks before the exam date you have registered for, by filling in and writing (by post or email) of the form Request for Refund or Test Date Transfer Form.
If you have any questions regarding your registration, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.
Exam Preparation Course Registration
You can register:
- write an email to
- I am interested in signing up for (name of the course) with starting date on (start date). I would like to prepare for the exam (type of exam, IELTS modul or ECL language) on (exam date).
- State you personal information: name and surname, address in Slovakia, mobile number, your profession and reason for taking the exam.
- fill out the form on web stránke
- ONLINE registration
Registrácia na skúšku / Exam Registration
If you have any questions before you register for an the exam, please contact us on

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